EU determined to secure its clean energy industrial base
he European Commission is launching “Clean Tech Europe”, a new platform to strengthen its value chains for clean energy. The new Platform aims to advance the key industries that will deliver Europe’s clean and digital transitions. These include wind and solar energy, heat pumps, storage, grids and renewable hydrogen.
The European Union is more determined than ever to transition from expensive imported fossil fuels to competitive, clean and home-grown renewables. REPowerEU, the EU’s new energy strategy and answer to the war in Ukraine and the price surge in natural gas imports to Europe has increased the targets for renewables build out and renewable hydrogen production.
The EU now wants 510 GW of wind energy by 2030, more than double the 200 GW installed in the EU today. To replace expensive and scarce natural gas as well as other fossil fuels in industry, mobility and heating the EU wants to rapidly scale up renewables-based electrification. And the EU now aims for 20 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen by 2030.
The European wind industry currently employs 300.000 people and operates 250 factories making turbines and components. To advance Europe’s technology leadership and to ensure wind turbines installed in Europe continue to use European technology massive investments in the whole supply chain are needed – from vessels to cranes, ports, research and innovation, grids, and skilled workers. But also in new and existing industrial production capacities.
2030 is around the corner. These investments need to happen today. But the European wind industry is struggling with inflation and increasing cost pressures. Although targets are high, the slow and insufficient permitting is holding back installations and creating market uncertainty. As a result, Europe is installing less than half the amount of new wind energy it needs. The EU’s 2030 renewables targets are in danger.
The new Platform aims to strengthen the EU’s industrial footprint and advance the global competitiveness of its clean tech industries.
Source: Windeurope